Friday 3 February 2012


During this assignment we have concentrated on the practical side of photography.
as you can see from my blog there are all different types of photography.

The Rule of Third and the use of lines
Lighting – Hard and soft
White balance
Image Manipulation

Over all I think my photos succeed in portraying and fitting the particular type of photography, but I know that some of them could be improved in the future but I know that this is down to practices, knowing your camera and a steady hand.

Examples of framing

Examples of image manipulation

Examples of white balance

What is white balance?
It all boils down to the concept of color temperature. Color temperature is a way of measuring the quality of a light source. It is based on the ratio of the amount of blue light to the amount of red light, and the green light is ignored. The unit for measuring this ratio is in degree Kelvin (K). A light with higher color temperature (i.e., larger Kelvin value) has "more" blue lights than a light with lower color temperature (i.e., smaller Kelvin value). Thus, a cooler (resp., warmer) light has a higher (resp., lower) color temperature.

The following table shows the color temperature of some light sources

Light Sources Color Temperature in K
Clear Blue Sky 10,000 to 15,000
Overcast Sky 6,000 to 8,000
Noon Sun and Clear Sky 6,500
Sunlight Average 5,400 to 6,000
Electronic Flash 5,400 to 6,000
Household Lighting 2,500 to 3,000
200-watt Bulb 2,980
100-watt Bulb 2,900
75-watt Bulb 2,820
60-watt Bulb 2,800
40-watt Bulb 2,650
Candle Flame 1,200 to 1,500