Friday 20 April 2012

Assignment Three

My Product Photography

I think the layout of this product worked but my camera went slightly out of focus.

I like this layout too as its how the product would be presented if i wanted to sell it. 

I think this photo the light was wrong on the product and its slightly blurred.

I think this photo shows plenty of detail to the product and works well.

On this one two there is plenty of detail though i think it could of been framed better.

On this one i think the lighting and framing was right.

The framing is right but it has gone out of focus.

The layout on this one works well.

i like this one a lot, it has plenty of detail and the layout is good.

i like this one a lot, it has plenty of detail and the layout is good.

i like how its shadowed on this one.

I think the layout works well on this one.

I think the layout works well on this one.

On this one i think the lighting works very well.

Assignment Three

My Professional Photographer - Michael Jones

Michael Jones is a professional advertising and commercial photographer in portland oregon. He started his photography at a young age while he was still in school when he took a photography class. he studied photography in college and became a photo assistant on the west cost. He then went on to start his own studio in portland, oregon and has been shooting product, portrait and fashion photography ever since.

 Because of copy right i cant get any of his work as examples but please click on the link and look at his jewelry photography.

what i like about his work is the fact that its so simple, he works with the product the angle and the lighting that all and it works so well.

Assignment Three

Product Photography

What is product photography?

Product photography is one area of focus for commercial photographers. Other areas include: Life-style photography, food photography, architectural photography and portraiture.

Commercial probably is often defined as any photography where the photographer is paid for taking and possibly Photoshop and retouching images.
The commercial photographic world usually refers to advertising photography. That is photography made to illustrate and usually sell a service or product.

These images are generally done with an advertising agency, design firm or with an in-house corporate design team using either traditional film and developing techniques or digital cameras with images that can be directly imported into computers for use in designs and layouts.

My Product Photography
The product that I am using is jewelry I wish to be able to use my photos in different types of advertising such as: in magazines, on billboards, in jewelry shops and their magazines. The locations that my shots would be in would be in places such as shopping centers in local shops, in places to do with what I am advertising. 

My Considerations
When it comes to the equipment i would need it would be quite simple, a few lights in a studio, i would need a few models but because its more focused on things such as the hands, ears, neck because its jewelry, they wouldn't need to be overly dressed up and also because its focused and detailed we would need a high quality macro sort of camera to catch all the detail of the jewelry.

Ethical and Moral Considerations - ASA Guidelines

ASA rules are that:
It must not be misleading – not to deceive or lie about what they are selling; the advert must stick to the facts of what they are selling.

It must not be harmful or offensive – adverts are not allowed to use harmful expressions such as using stereotypes.

Sales Promotions – The advert must be accurate with what they say. They must not promote a sub product.

Direct marketing – Adverts must not pressure the public into buying.

I dont think that my product has any problem here because its not really aimed at a partcular audience so its not going to be pressuring them and you get what you see so its not going to be misleading and because its jewlery i dont see how it could be harmful or offensive