Friday 4 May 2012

Evaluation - Subject Terminology

Here are some words that we have used over the past year and their meanings:

Shutter: the shutter is the part of the camera that covers the lens. it is the part of the camera that controls how much light is to pass through and for what length of time.

Aperture: this is a opening within the camera lens, a space where light can pass through, it opens and contracts to let certain amounts of light in.

JPEG: A jpeg is a file format that you can save your work as. It is one of the most common ways to save your work as because most computers can view these files, it also makes it easier to upload it to the internet.

Composition: Is the arrangement of the visual elements, how the photo is put together, why you want things a particular way.

White Balance: is the process of removing un realistic colour, making the person look natural or  un natural.

Landscape: A landscape image is the opposite to macro this focuses on the bigger picture of your overall surrounding rather then just on one particular thing. genuinely landscape is pictures of countryside, nature e.g. hills, mountains and trees.

Macro: A macro image focuses on the smaller objects such as insects or flowers, showing of their detail and making them look bigger then what they actually are. In a macro shot it only focuses on one particular thing unlike in a landscape photo it focuses on many things.

Portrait: A portrait image focuses on the face of a person or animal, the actual focus of the photo is normally the eyes.

Cropping: cutting out particular parts of the image that you may or may not like.

Contrast: Makes the object stand out more and genuinely makes it look unrealistic this is by changing the colour or lighting slightly.

Sepia: This is a colour tone that is genuinely pale brown/grey that makes the image look older.

Diffusing Light: This light is softer light, natural defusers of light include things such as clouds. a man made defuser is something like lampshades.

Hard Light: makes the image look brighter and gives it more of a contrast unlike soft light which gives you more of a shadow.

Three Point Lighting: having three sources of light focusing on one object taking away all shadow.

Photo Journalism: This is capturing a image to do with a real event  present in the news at the time. It could be of a natural disaster, a war or even a celebration.

Juxtaposition: This is when two opposite people, events or objects are in the same image that you wouldn't normally see together.

Representation: This is how something is presented or portrayed it can be by what it means or by how it looks.

Connotation: This is how the audience interoperate the image.

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